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Classical Guitar Magazine on Melodies. This is a first-rate release and for lovers of superior musicianship and good tunes this is a must, Recommended

August 31, 2008

Steve Marsh, Classical Guitar Magazine

If ever a performer had that indefinable quality we tend to call "charisma", Chinese violinist Chen Yi oozes it throughout this programme of some of the most beautiful melodies ever written down. This is not to demean the very accomplished accompaniment of Lars Hannibal in any way, but the arrangements put Yi firmly at the foreground for the majority of this recital and it is her performance ne remembers long after the disc has finished.
The selection of music is well made with no low points in evidence. The style of much of this material is such that in lesser hands performances could be dripping with sentimentality and make the whole project distasteful; these two musicians are far and away above any of that nonsense. The arrangements are skilfully and sensitively done, so much so that one hardly conscious of the fact that these are arrangements (with the exception of the Paganini). which is how it should be.
The recording quality is one of the best I have ever heard of this combination of instruments. The balance is excellent between Yi and Hannibal and I don't doubt that producer Preben Iwan had something to do with it so he gets a mention here. the packaging too is no less impressive; attractive front cover and informative booklet with colour photographs. This is a first-rate release and for lovers of superior musicianship and good tunes this is a must. Recommended Steve Marsh, September the 1th 2008

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