Duo Concertante
Technician and producer:
Karin Jurgensen
Cover design and photo:
Poul Ib Henriksen
Recorded in the Chapel af Her Majesty's Palace at Fredensborg
an 3rd and 4th June 1991.
Duo Concertante was founded in 1980, and celebrated its 10th anniversary in December 1990 by giving a concert in the Wigmore Hall in London. During the past ten years the duo has given numerous concerts and appeared en the radio and television both at home in Denmark and abroad. Duo Concertante has already made a number
af records for EMI, featuring music by Paganini, Giuliani, Sarasate, lbert and others, as well as contemporary Danish music written specifically for the two musicians concerned. The duo has also recorded instrumental versions of traditional Danish sangs.
This recording focuses an the meditative and melodious, while at the same time reflecting the musicians' interest both in simplicity and in the influence af old music an modern works.
The final piece is intended as an expression af gratitude to Her Majesty Queen Margrethe li af Denmark for allowing Duo Cancertante to make the recording in the Chapel at Fredensborg Palace.