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Los Angeles Street Concerto

Los Angeles Street Concerto


Moonchild's Dream
Recorded at Lyngby Kulturhus, Copenhagen, on 9 November 2005
Recording producer: Henrik Sleiborg.
Sound engineer: Lars Christensen.

Neles Danse
Recorded at the Danish Radio Concert Hall on 18 November 2005
Recording producer: Henrik Sleiborg
Sound enginner: Lars Christensen

Los Angeles Street Concerto
Recorded at Great Guild Concert Hall, Riga 9.april 2004
Recording producer: Varis Kurmi
Editing enginers: Henrik Sleiborg and Peter Bo Nielsen
Executive producer: Michala Petri

Cover photo: Anna Dunker/FATAMORGANA
Graphic design: Denise Burt, Elevator

This CD has been recorded in cooperation with the Danish Broadcasting Corporation

Dacapo Records acknowledge, with gratitude, the financial support of the Danish Composers' Society, KODA's Fund for Social and Cultural Purposes

Thomas Koppel’s (1944-2006) career as a composer and musician was unique in the world of Danish music. It had its sensational beginning when he began composing as a child. As a teenager he was well on his way towards a dual career as composer and classical concert pianist, but abandoned this in favour of avant-garde rock music and later an idealistic career as a musician on the political left. For the last fifteen years of his life he worked again with music scored for classical ensembles, but his output was always determined by an uncompromising attitude to life and society.

This CD features three works by Koppel, written for the famous flute virtuoso Michala Petri. Besides Los Angeles Street Concerto, there are beautiful recordings of Moonchild's Dream and Nele's Dances.

Michala Petri plays with seemingly easy mastery and the three very different works make for a lovely programme. Recording and production values are impeccable and the very full biographical account and notes make for good reading.
(Musical Pointers, UK)

En serie stämningar av utsökt karaktär. Bo Holten dirigerar Köpenhamns filharmoniker, Kremerata Baltica spelar, allt i förnämliga tolkningar.
(****** Svenska Dagbladet)

Zusammen mit Gidon Kremer und seiner Kremerata Baltica zeichnet Michala Petris geisterhaft fliegende, flirrende und singende Blockflöte ein ebenso liebevolles wie präzise konturiertes Bild der Metropole.
(10/10/10 Klassik Heute)

...Alligevel lyder det som Thomas Koppel alt sammen. Man finder sig i alle ekkoerne og lånene - simpelthen fordi de er så originalt sat sammen. Desuden spiller Michala Petri usædvanlig smukt.
(**** Berlingske Tidende)

Men ikke mindst med Petris virtuositet som omdrejningspunkt får man også at høre, hvor spidsfindigt og detaljemættet Koppel stadig kunne komponere for orkester, når han ville
(Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten)

Michala Petri spiller Thomas Koppel. Harmonisk, levende oprørsk...og sindssygt smukt.

samspillet mellem sopraninofløjtens høje æstetiske toner og celesten, og en særlig rytmik, der er født ud af strygernes sarte filigran, skaber en helt original og utrolig indtagende musik, der både er ny og gammel på samme tid.
(Dansk Musik Tidsskrift)

Michala Petri plays marvellously throughout and is splendidly partnered by her husband and the two orchestras involved...This is a really lovely disc with three lovely works that certainly deserve to be heard.
(Musicweb International)

Michala Petri beviser endnu en gang, hvorfor hun regnes blandt verdens førende på netop dette instrument.

All of the musicianship on Los Angeles Concerto is top drawer, and Petri is at her best, sounding sweet without being excessively peppy or penetrating. Los Angeles Concerto is a terrific introduction in terms of Thomas Koppel´s contribution to art music.

Dacapo´s recording presents both the chamber and orchestral works in a natural-sounding, spacious acoustic, enhancing the aural pleasure. This is a delightful release, essential for Petri fans.
(10/10 Classics Today)

En vidunderlig musikoplevelse!
(***** Flensborg Avis, 12/2006)

With excellent performances all round and superb sound, this is a fine, suitably off-the-wall memorial to this most committed composer, who died unexpectedly in February.
(Nordic Sound, 12/2006)

Moonchild's Dream
Recorded at Lyngby Kulturhus, Copenhagen, on 9 November 2005
Recording producer: Henrik Sleiborg.
Sound engineer: Lars Christensen.

Neles Danse
Recorded at the Danish Radio Concert Hall on 18 November 2005
Recording producer: Henrik Sleiborg
Sound enginner: Lars Christensen

Los Angeles Street Concerto
Recorded at Great Guild Concert Hall, Riga 9.april 2004
Recording producer: Varis Kurmi

Editing enginers: Henrik Sleiborg and Peter Bo Nielsen
Executive producer: Michala Petri

Cover photo: Anna Dunker/FATAMORGANA
Graphic design: Denise Burt, Elevator

This CD has been recorded in cooperation with the Danish Broadcasting Corporation + logo

Dacapo Records acknowledge, with gratitude, the financial support of the Danish Composers’ Society, KODA’s Fund for Social and Cultural Purposes

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