Song & Wind
By Jakob Buchanan
Release September 22. 2023
"Jakob Buchanan about “Song & Wind”
“The boys’ choir sings about longing, doubt and loss. About pain and about time and eternity. I have been inspired by the work of the South African poet, Iain S. Thomas’ and the thoughts and feelings that pop up in my mind – as a husband and a father who thinks back on a long life.
Iain S. Thomas’ small existentialist poems put very clear- ly into words some of the thoughts going on in my world, and in many of the talks and discussions about life I have with my wife, Nanna.
Together we have chosen the poems for Song & Wind. Nature, however, is completely independent of man’s world of thought – it is just there. The music is written in the places where I live; in a landscape of soil and fields on Mols, just outside Aarhus, shaped by all the small hills and in the middle of the strong winds from the sea around us. The music has also been created in our small farm house in Kornhult, Sweden – surrounded by the darkness of the pine forest, the moss and the bird life.
Marilyn Mazur is invited into the music because, being the musical sorceress she is, she can shape and accom- modate everything in her playing – and thus create both co-play and counter-play in the music.
In short: the small human and the great Mother Nature have been my starting points in the creation of Song &Wind.”"