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German & French Recorder Concertos

German & French Recorder Concertos

Banished for decades from the concert hall, the recorder once again came to the fore in the 20th century with the revival of early music. Germany and England were particularly welcoming of the recorder’s return to the brotherhood of instruments. Owing to its deliberate opposition to the grand, Romantic tradition, the recorder found favor among a highly diverse group of German composers representing an equally diverse range of styles ranging from Expressionism, Neue Sachlichkeit, and Neo-Classicism to self-consciously folk-inspired and faux Renaissance works.

Over the past decade, Michala Petri has engaged in an ambitious campaign to further extend the recorder’s presence as thoroughly modern instrument capable of playing contemporary concertos. Numerous new compositions have been commissioned including works by composers from the US, Spain, China, England, Sweden, Denmark and the Faroe Islands. For this fourth installment in her contemporary “Concertos” project, Michala Petri has recorded the World Premieres of works by composers from France, the former state of East Germany and modern Germany.

Acclaimed conductor Fabrice Bollon contributes Your Voice Out of the Lamb an epic, genre-busting tone poem inspired by one of the greatest Rock concept albums of all time, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway by Genesis. The late East German composer Günter Kochan is represented by his bracing Music for alto recorder, 25 string instruments and percussion. Also included is Markus Zahnhausen’s Recordare, a veritable ‘Concerto da Requiem’ for solo recorder and orchestra.

Michala Petri is joined on this musical adventure by the Odense Symphony Orchestra under the able direction of Christoph Poppen, and prove themselves to be stylistic chameleons more than equal to the challenge of these surprising and challenging scores.


German & French Recorder Concertos

November 30, 2021

Chock de CLASSICA (F) Fabrice Bollon infuses jazz, electro and pop in a haughty symphonic form.

Romaric Gergorin

German & French Recorder Concertos

September 30, 2016

Windkanal (Germany) - Eine CD, die in jeder Sammlung stehen sollte.

Thomas Müller-Schmitt

German & French Recorder Concertos

July 31, 2016

Crescendo, Belgium - Le retour de la flûte à bec

Jean-Baptiste Baronian

German & French Recorder Concertos

May 31, 2016

Recorder Magazine (UK)-.." music of the very highest compositional quality"

Chris Orton

German & French Recorder Concertos

May 19, 2016

Fanfare 2 (US) Although I always enjoy Michala Petri's discs, this one is particularly enjoyable, as it contains three previously unrecorded works that serve as something more than mere vehicles for Petri's considerable technical and intellectual virtuosity.

Raymond Tuttle

German & French Recorder Concertos

May 16, 2016

Klassisk (DK) 5 stjerner - Berusende afveje

Per Rask Madsen

German & French Recorder Concertos

May 15, 2016


Clare Hammond

German & French Recorder Concertos

May 14, 2016

Fanfare 1 (US) Presenting as it does three sensational 21st-century concertante works, exceptionally well-played and recorded, this release should certainly be explored by an audience much broader than just fans of the recorder, or even of the redoubtable Michala Petri.

Ronald E. Grames

German & French Recorder Concertos

May 9, 2016

Tibia (Recorder Magazine Germany) " Nicht zuletzt wegen der Veröffentlichung dieses hervorragenden Werkes sei die CD allen an zeitgenössischer Musik Interessierten wärmstens emp-fohlen."

Markus Bartholomé

German & French Recorder Concertos

May 3, 2016

Pizzicato (LU) Spannende Blockflötenkonzerte mit Michala Petri. - 5 Notes

Remy Franck

German & French Recorder Concertos

April 17, 2016

Politiken (DK)

Henrik Friis

German & French Recorder Concertos

March 17, 2016

Klassik Heute, Germany (10/10/10)

Christof Jetzschke

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