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American Recorder Concertos

American Recorder Concertos

Michala Petri Discovers the New World in Four Bold

The late 17th and early 18th centuries were the Golden Age of the Recorder. Played by amateurs and professional and admire by musical connoisseurs, the recorder was everywhere. From Italy to England, the greatest composers of the day were writing hundreds of masterworks to meet the public’s demand! Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, a scrappy group of colonists were carving a new nation out of the wilderness...
But where were the recorders??? It is one of the great ironies of the recorder’s long history, that despite being ubiquitous in nearly every American public music school program, few composers ever explored writing for it.
In order to set this egregious state of affairs to right, Michala Petri, the first Lady of the Recorder, invited four American composers to make their own discovery of just what an Old World Recorder can do!
For the newest installment of her ground-breaking Concerto Project, four works have been specially
commissioned to showcase the sound of the modern recorder, including the late Steven Stucky’s horoughly contemporary Etudes, Roberto Sierra’s Latin-tinged Prelude, Habanera and Perpetual Motion, Harpsichord virtuoso Antony Newman’s Neo-Baroque Concerto for recorder, harpsicord & strings, and Sean Hickey’s boldly-wrought A Pacifying Weapon.


American Recorder Concertos

November 1, 2020

TIBIA "She is unique"

Inés Zimmermann

American Recorder Concertos

October 16, 2020 Germany "Unbekannte Blockflöte"

Dr. Jürgen Schaarwächter

American Recorder Concertos

December 17, 2019

Endnotes (UK)"..the company as one of the most daring recording organisations in Europe today"

Stuart Millson, Endnotes UK

American Recorder Concertos

September 16, 2019

Neuwen Noten (NL)

Ben Taffijn

American Recorder Concertos

September 5, 2019

Gramophone (UK) "This is a multicoloured, multi-textured, multi-ensemble presentation of interesting, little-known repertoire, casting the recorder in all sorts of different stylistic and emotional guises"

Charlotte Gardner

American Recorder Concertos

July 10, 2019 "Kudos to all involved"

Grego Applegate Edwards,

American Recorder Concertos

June 19, 2019

The Recorder Magazine (UK) "As always, Petri´s playing is exemplary"

Andrew Mayes, The Recorder Magazine (UK)

American Recorder Concertos

May 8, 2019

Pizzicato (LU) "A SUPERSONIC Review This is a coherent, stirring program, splendidly played and very well recorded"!

Remy Franck, Pizzicato

American Recorder Concertos

April 30, 2019

BBC Music Magazine (UK) "A beautiful display of surprisingly rich modern recorder repertoire"!

BBC Music Magazine

American Recorder Concertos

April 4, 2019

CD HotList - New Releases for Libraries (US) "Petri is, of course, a genius"!

Rick, CD HotList - New Releases for Libraries (US)

American Recorder Concertos

April 4, 2019

Fanfare USA (US) "Any serious collector of contemporary concertos would be foolish to pass this one up"!

David DeBoor Canfield, Fanfare USA

American Recorder Concertos

March 12, 2019

Klassik Heute (Germany)"10/10/10"!

Heinz Braun, Klassik Heute, Germany

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